Yes right, Libra still is alive but it never will fulfill their vision and shape into something different.
Libra becomes more like other companies f. e. Ripple and IOTA. The reason is the self-driven forecast they will have soon 100 associations under the hood of Libra. The ambitious start has attracted No. 1 companies in the world and they have been the first to leave the project. More it attracted a bunch of companies only see a short term investment with high returns on expectations rather than real-word products or companies who are might have a good start but stuck in the middle of nowhere for instant checkout.com and Shopify.
At this point, one of the biggest venture capital firms Blockchain Capital joins the Libra project. Also said, that Libra is not backed by Facebook many people and news writers still believe today. With Blockchain Capital another hedge comes in raising attraction and will still wait until Libra could provide a product placement or settlement. This is good enough to keep the Libra Association alive but still the local ambitious for the next phase of Libra is not remarkable because there are a lot of competitors in this field which brought more equity into the regions by creating a governance coin for locals or something similar. Finally there is a lot of thin air around Libra. We will see. The full story here.