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Writer's pictureSatoshi Consulitng & Education

Why quantum computer won't hack Bitcoin

The fox lie quantum computer could break up Bitcoin

Stories are good to entertain people and I myself like to read stories. Fantastic stories, science fiction, romances, thrillers, and philosophical stories.

But they are stories. Now some people can tell the greatest stories from their imagination.

Esotericists, for example, can explain everything with a quantum universe, which is easy, because, as with God and the devil, it is only a matter of belief of one's own imagination.

However, it is interesting when imagination meets mathematics. Either mathematics is trusted with everything or a new ultra-modern secret device is the egg-laying Wollmilchau.

Crypto-currencies are given a fairy tale and a story out of the blue, in order to sell potential customers, the fairy tales also, in the belief that they have bought a non-fiction book.

Fairy tales work and especially in the world of fear.

And where can you create more fear than in the BitCoin world?

Suddenly there are only criminals and dawdlers.

And anyone who goes through that doesn't get happy.

QUANTENCOMPUTER will fix everything!

The so-called quantum computer will indeed come, but the fairy tale of the banks, investigators, and corrupt government officials driving us into debt can at best be seen as a hopeful attempt to defend their dwindling power.

So much for the fairy tale.

To understand quantum computing, let me give you a small example:

Suppose a cowboy is chased by an Indian. The hunted cowboy swings from his horse onto the passing train and climbs onto the roof of the train.

And tries to run from the back end to the front.

The train itself and the Indian's horse have different speeds.

The cowboy on the roof now also moves at a different speed on the roof than the person running from behind in the wagon to reach the dining car.

So all parties, cowboy, Indian, woman, horse, train are moving in different time axes.

It is also clear that the cowboy and the woman on the train do not have to run 60 km/h to get to the front because the train is so fast.

The horse, on the other hand, must be able to keep up with the train, so that the Indian himself has a chance to jump on the train.

Due to the physical conditions on the roof of the train, such as headwind, pressure etc., the cowboy cannot run as fast and moves slower than the woman on the train.

The calculation of the different levels and speeds is already a small challenge, but if you now add the physical conditions, such as The horse will break down after 100m and only go 40km/h. A storm is coming and affects the cowboy's speed. The train increases in speed etc., then it becomes a very complex model which can be increased at will.

A quantum computer is now able not only to process and combine individual calculations in the planes but also to calculate in real-time all conditions and time and space shifts, i.e. the 4th dimension.

That means again that such a computer could be able to generate such an unbelievable hash power, with which it could finally guess the crypto keys or, for example, calculate the value of a public key and thus the transaction size and thus conclusions about the origin.

However, this is not possible due to different mechanisms and this is finally the realization that Satoshi Nakamoto has also thought about this when he built in a 2 layer protection method.

In addition to this 2-layer protection method, the fact that a calculation or a hashing is bound to time stamps makes it even more difficult.

But one after the other:

1) What would happen if a quantum computer broke the hash?

Well in the first moment it would cause the BitCoin world to use and implement the already tested and quantum-safe keys.

2) And if that is not fast enough?

The BitCoin world is protected by two fundamental systems

Once, the elliptic curve calculation in a multi-computer environment.

That would be the greatest possible target for a quantum computer.

However, the hash function stands against it. A hash is the greatest challenge for a quantum computer because it contradicts the mathematical logic of a quantum computer.

3) What is the final result of the blockchain?

It is the fact that the public key has a double hash function. Logically, a quantum computer cannot attack the secret private key, so it must attack the public key.

By a trick, the public key that is publicly specified as such, but not the public key that is actually used for the transaction.

epilithicNobody sees this public key until it triggers a transaction. (Double Hash Function)

Now you can attack the public key, the first time your public key appears in the network it has no value anymore. Since the value is transferred to the newly generated public key, which we do not know.

And this key also changes with every transaction. So there is no chance to get it at all. (Technically speaking, a second abstract offshoot is created under the layer and the eppilitic curve generation.

And in the future, it will be possible to place a signature in this underlying layer that is not based on epileptic curve calculation and thus also guarantees quantum computer security.

4) Security through Timelock

Recent research has shown that the hashlock does not allow the algorithm for the quantum computer to be calculated. The calculation of the double hash takes place in a time axis that it can only reach if it takes into account the speed of the system.

So he has to simulate old technology and cannot use his speed in the simulation.

As we can see, all the excitement about this is completely for nothing.

So quantum computers are welcome to come and support the block chain.

So far there are none, although that's what they say.

And if they do, it's not to hack the BitCoin system.

The fairy tale will always be a fairy tale. Scare adults 😉

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