Why Stablecoins are dangerous to our society ? The so called Decentralized Financial world is in real a central issued idea of decentralization and the biggest fraud on users. Cryptocurrencies has been set up not to make any debts ! Decentralization means : "No one can influence the market of users in a deflationary system opereated on no debts accounts !"
Digital Assets become the worst problem when Maker DAO with the DAI stable coin and tether showed in the past they are not stable and a digital copy of the real world is vulnerable and a step back instead fore. So do not believe in promises of the old world who wants to control the new markets. Make up your mind !
VirgoX and Global Digital Assets (GDA) Launch World Stablecoin Association in Geneva Digital asset exchange VirgoX and blockchain capital markets firm Global Digital Assets (GDA Capital) have launched the World Stablecoin Association (WSA), an independent, not for profit organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Â
The WSA’s mission is to unite business leaders, enterprises, community buildings, and regulators in the stablecoin industry internationally, the founding companies stated today. Besides the two founding firms, the new organization’s members already include BlockGeeks, stablecoin projects BRZ, CBRL, Peg Network, QCAD, QC, Ren, Stably, USDK, XDB, and capital groups Alpha Sigma Capital, Consensus Labs, and Nova Club. VirgoX’s CEO Adam Cai said they are in talks with larger projects, such as Tether (UDST), USD Coin (USDC), Dai (DAI), and HUSD.Â
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